Artem Terent'ev, film artist

Born in 1992 in Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region, Russia
Studied at the School of Engaged Art in by collective Chto Delat, St. Petersburg. Master of Philosophy at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad.
Lecturer in cinematography, directing and scriptwriting
What has influenced me as a filmmaker is my childhood in the post-Soviet landscape, the fairy tales my grandfather used to tell me before bedtime, the enchantment of stories I once heard, the outskirts of cities and the melancholy of dusk.

My method is not to make a fictional film, but to look into reality and work with what is already in it. To create not a feature film but a film situation, in which characters, locations and happenings are not dictated by the author's will, but arise spontaneously based on the real state of affairs.

What interests me in cinema is the reflection of the medium itself, the reality beyond its borders, and the processuality of the film, when you stand in a familiar wasteland with the camera on and stare into the void, and meanings are born performatively - implying a dynamic rearrangement of the film's structure, a lively mobility of signifiers, a constant nuance of the original intention and the incompleteness of the declared trajectories. It is not the film's story, but the film itself that becomes an experience.
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